
Monday, June 26, 2006

Office Automization tools are so important to us in day to day life. These tools are regularly used by all of us. These are mostly Microsoft Based Tools. We use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and FrontPage.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Excel

Fill in the blanks
A number of such worksheets put together make a workbook.

True or False
1. To enter a formula you must first type an = sign. – Tue.
2. The default name of a workbook is Book2. – False.

Q1. What is the use of worksheet?
Ans. A number of such worksheets put together make a workbook. Excel stores this workbook in an electronic form. With the worksheet we can calculate our income & expense, we can also prepare our tax statement, balance sheet, bank statement, sales, purchase statement, etc.

Q2. What is a cell?
Ans. An intersection of a row and column is known as a cell.

Q3. What is an active cell?
Ans. The cell in which information is being entered is known as active cell.

Q4. How many rows and columns are there in Excel?
Ans. There are 65536 rows and 256 columns in Excel.

Q5. Explain different ways of editing data in Excel.
Ans. 1. You can use the backspace key to erase the character to the left of the cursor.
2. If you want to clear the cell which contains data, select the cell and press Delete or Backspace to clear the active cell.
3. You can replace the data in a cell by selecting the cell and typing the new information, and press Enter.
4. To clear a range of cells – select the range of cells by click on the top left of the cell and dragging it and then pressing the Delete key.
5. Click on the cell you want to edit. Press F2 to make the corrections. After making the corrections press Enter.

Q6. How many worksheets are there in Excel and what is their default name?
Ans. There are three types of worksheets in Excel. Their default name is sheet1, sheet2, sheet3.

Q7. What is the difference between File-Close and File-Exit?
Ans. The File-Close option closes only the file in Excel while File-Exit option closes the whole workbook.
Chapter 2
Formatting Data
Fill in the blank
1. The font size allows you to change the size of the font.
2. The Undo option on the Edit Menu allows you to undo your last action.
3. AutoCorrect automatically replaces the misspelled words with the correct words.

True or False
1. AutoFormat is used to quickly format a Table. – True.
2. Increase decimal decreases the number of places to the right of decimal point.-False.
3. The Redo option on the Edit Menu is used to redo what you have undone.-True.
4. Italic makes the text bold.-False.

Q1. What do you mean by Conditional Formatting? How is it useful? Give some examples.
Ans. Conditional Formatting will warn you & change the value if it exceeds & draws your attention to that cell. E.g. if you are entering marks in your subject more than 100, & the total is 100 than it will alert you.

Q2. How do you hide/unhide a row/column?
Ans. To hide and unhide a row or a column click on Format – Column or row & Select hide & unhide option.

Q3. How to change height of a row?
Ans. To change height of a row
a) Click on the row
b) Click on Format – Row – Select Height option

Q4. How to change width of a column?
Ans. To change width of a column
a) Click on column
b) Click on Format – Column – Select Width option.

Q5. Write short note on Spelling and Grammar.
Ans. Spelling and Grammar option is used to check for spelling errors in the worksheet. To use the Spell-check, select Tools- Spelling and grammar or click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar. Excel will check the entire worksheet for errors. If you want to check a particular range, select the range first and then run the option.

Chapter 3
Logical Operators

Q1. What are Logical operators?
Ans. Logical operators are used to compare one value with another. These are called logical operators because the result is either true or false. E.g. is 10 greater than 5. The answer is True.

Q2. What is Formula Auditing?
Ans. If you are working on a large worksheet and you want to keep the track of formula’s the Formula Auditing makes the work easy for you. Blue arrows appear marking the cell involved in the formula.

Q3. What are Error Messages and explain each one of them?
Ans. There are a number of error messages that may appear when working with formulas. The following are some of the messages and their meaning.
Error Messages Meaning
#Value An incorrect operator is used in the formula
#N/A A value is not available
#Null! Invalid cell reference
#NUM! An incorrect number used in the formula.
#REF! An invalid cell is used in the formula
#NAME? Range name is wrongly used in the formula.
#DIV/0! Division by zero

Q4. Explain Absolute Reference.
Ans. When you copy a formula the cell number keeps on changing sometimes you may want to keep the cell number constant. You use Absolute Reference e.g. D$9 will keep the cell constant.

Fill in the blanks
AutoFill command allows you to fill date, days of the week or serves of numbers automatically.

True or False
1.Logical operators are usually used with an IF function – True.
2.Excel will automatically change the row numbers for each row where the formula is copied. – True.
3. Excel’s Auditing Feature can trace the locations involved in the formula. – True.

Chapter 4
Printing Your Workbook

Fill in the blanks
1.Page Break Preview feature shows you the page breaks and allows you to drag them to a new location.
2.Worksheets that break into two pages can be adjusted so that the worksheet prints on one page.
3. Header and Footer are allotted half an inch of space.

True or False
1. You cannot print an entire workbook, a selected sheet or selected ranges. – False
2. You can preview your work before printing. – True.

Q1. How to print gridlines?
Ans. If you want lines in pages then click on File Menu – Pagesetup. Click on the sheet tab and select gridlines options. You will get lines on the page.

Q2. How to print an entire workbook?
Ans. You can print an entire workbook, a selected sheet or selected ranges.
· Select File – Print, the dialog box appears, asking you the printer name, number of copies to print, page ranges and what to print.

Q3. How to insert and remove page breaks?
Ans. To insert page break click on Insert Menu- Page Break. To delete a page break, Click on Insert Menu – Remove Page Break.
Chapter 5

Fill in the blanks
1. Functions are readymade formula.
2. The average function is used to find the average of a range of a data.

True or False
1. You cannot assign a name to a cell or a range of cells. – False
2. The SUMIF function is similar to SUM function. – True.
3. The COUNTIF function is similar to SUMIF function. – True.

Q1. Explain the COUNTIF function.
Ans. The COUNTIF Function is similar to the Sumif Function, instead of adding it counts if the criteria is satisfied. The syntax is
=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

Q2. Explain the SUMIF function.
Ans. The SUMIF Function is similar to SUM Function. You specify the range and Excel adds only those values in the range. The syntax of the SUMIF function is as follows
=SUMIF (range, criteria)
where range is the list of values and criteria are the expressions which says which cells are to be added.

Q3. How to assign and delete a name?
Ans. To insert and delete a name in formulas and function follow these steps.
a. Select Insert - Name – Define.
b. The define name box appears. Type the name and click on add button.
c. To delete the name click on name and select the delete button.

Chapter 6
Working with Data

Fill in the blanks
1. You can use the custom sort order option which uses the data of the custom list items.
2. AutoFilter feature option allows us to display only those records that match a particular criteria.
3. The subtotal feature is used to sum a particular field.
4. PivotTable allows you to view data in a tabular form.
5. The form is created with the headings from your column.

True or False
1. You can sort the data using Data sort or you filter the data using AutoFilter.-True.
2. You must enter the records by leaving blank rows between them. – False.
3. Excel will search and show you a record that matches the criteria. – True.
4. If you delete the record using data form, you can recover it using Undo option.-False.
5. Excel has a data form option that allows you to create a form where you can enter the data easily.-True.

Q1. How to find records?
Ans. If you want to see some records that match a criteria condition (criteria), you can use data form.
e.g. If you want to see all the records where percentage is greater than 35
· Click on the criteria option on the data form.
· In the Percentage field, type >35 and press Enter.

Q2. What does sorting mean?
Ans. Sorting means organizing the data in a particular order. Select the data to sort and select Data – Sort. Specify what field you want to sort by.

Q3. Explain Custom Filter
Ans. If you want to see the records that fall within a criteria range, you can use custom AutoFilter option.

Q4. What is the use of Subtotal feature?
Ans. The Subtotal Feature is used to sum a particular field. E.g. if you are storing the data of the items you have purchased for the year and you want to know how much you have spent on each item you can use the Subtotal Feature.

Q5. What is the use of Pivot Table?
Ans. Pivot Tables allows you to view data in a tabular form.

Q6. Where can we make changes after creating?
Ans. If you want to add or make some changes after creating a Pivot Table report, don’t make changes in the Pivot Table, make changes to the original data and then refresh the Pivot Table’s data.
· Make changes in the original data.
· Select Data – Refresh data.

Chapter 7
Working with Graphs

Q1. Name the two types of chart in Excel.
Ans. We have two types of Chart in Excel, Standard Types and Custom Types.

Q2. How to create a chart?
Ans. To create a chart follow these steps
a. Select the range of data and click on the Chart Wizard on the Standard Toolbar.
b. In the first step, select the type of chart and click on Press & hold to view sample option. Click on Next button.
c. In step two, define the data range.
d. In step three, you can format your chart. Click on Next button.
e. In step four, specify where you want to insert your chart. Click on Object and then click on finish button.

Q3. What is the use of Graphs in Excel?
Ans. When you present a report containing a lot of data, it just contains figures and the person has to go through the figures to understand and analyze the data. Instead, if you create graphs and present it, a person at once glance understands the report.

True or False
Chart Wizard button is on the Formal Toolbar. – False.

Chapter 8
Working with Macros

Fill in the blanks
1. Templates can save a lot of time and efforts by sorting them for regular use.
2. The Properties window allows you to edit the properties of the selected worksheet.
3. Relative Reference is pressed if you want to record your movements relative to your current location.
4. Global macros are stored in a Personal Macro workbook.
5. The workbook is stored in XI start folder and stays in memory but is hidden.

True or False
1. If you are repeating certain tasks then you can store them as a Macro- True.
2. Macro is a name given to a set of data. – False.
3. Macro names must begin with a letter and can contain 256 characters. – False.
4. The VBE is divided into two windows. – False.
5. The Project window lists all the open projects. – True.

Q1. How to create templates?
Ans. Make the changes for the workbook just as you want it for the template. Select File – Save As from the menu bar. Type any name for the workbook. In the Save dialog box, change the Save As Type option to Template. Templates are saved in a folder called Templates.

Q2. How many buttons are there in Stop Recording toolbar?
Ans. There are two buttons on the Stop Recording toolbar – Stop Recording and Relative Reference.

Q3. How to edit Macros?
Ans. The macro you create is written in VBA programming language and can be seen using Visual Basic Editor(VBE). To edit your macro, select Tools – Macro – Visual Basic Editor or press Alt+F11.

Q4. Into how many sections is the Module window divided into? Explain.
Ans. The VBE is divided into three windows.
The Project window lists all the open projects. The Properties window allows you to edit the properties of the selected worksheet.
The Module window holds the macro. It is divided into three sections – one stores the code and the two combo boxes that decides what you can see in the editor.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Word

Fill in the blanks
1. Word allows you to store texts that can be used in different documents.
2. The office assistant is always there to help you in case you are not sure what to do.
3. Delete key deletes the character which is on the cursor.
4. Word allows you to open many documents into memory.

True or False
1. Before printing you work you can preview it. – True.
2. Backup creates three copies of your document. – False
3. You can have a maximum of 256 characters in a name.-False
4. You can undo the last task you have performed in the document by using the Undo option. – True.

Q1. What is the use of Word?
Ans. Word is an application program that allows you to create letters, tables, reports etc.

Q2. Write different ways of opening a document.
Ans There are many ways to open the document:
· Select File from the Word Menu & select Open. Find the name of your file & double click on it to open it.
· Select File from the Menu. Look at the bottom of the File menu. You will see the last four documents in Word. Click on the name of your file.
· Click the start button on the Taskbar. Select the Documents option to see the list of the last 15 files. Click on the name of your document.

Q3. What are the rules to name a file in Word?
Ans. You can have a maximum of 250 characters in a name. A name can have numbers, letters & blank spaces. These are the rules to name a file.

Q4. What steps would you take to undo task? Explain Reverse option.Ans. You can undo the last task you performed in the document by using the Undo option. E.g. If you have deleted a block & you want it back, select Edit & Undo. The deleted block will appear again.

Q5. What is the difference between File - Close and File - Exit Option?
Ans. The File - Close option closes only the document while File - Exit Option takes you out of Microsoft Word.

Q6. What is the difference between Save and Save As option?
Ans. Save saves the existing file while Save As saves the new file. Save As gives the location to the file while save saves the file in the same location.

Q7. Name the two types of Orientation in Page Setup.
Ans. There are two types of orientation in Page Setup Landscape and Potrait. Landscape will print the page in Horizontal manner while Potrait will print the page in Vertical Manner.

Q8. What is the use of Gutter option in PageSetup?
Ans. The Gutter option is used for spiral binding. There are two positions in Gutter option Top and Left.

Chapter 2
Screen Layout

Fill in the blanks
1. The Menu bar displays the list of menus available in Word.
2. The area below the ruler and toolbar is the typing area.
3. The Insertion Point and the Mouse Pointer are a part of typing area.
4. The end-of-document marker is visible at the end of the document in Normal View.
5. The open book with a red X on the right side is the Spelling and Grammar.
6. Predesigned documents are knows as templates.

True or False
1. The vertical blinking line is known as insertion pointer. – False
2. The Mouse Pointer is in the shape of a thin I. – True.
3. Document Navigator is used to move to object in a document. –True.
4. At the top of the Word Screen are five objects. – False.
5. There are 19 toolbars in Microsoft Word. – False.

Q1. What is the use of Horizontal Scroll Bar?
Ans. The bar below the typing area is known as the horizontal scroll bar. You can click on the left and right arrows to see the position of the document.

Q2. What is the use of Vertical Scroll Bar?
Ans. On the right side of the typing area is the vertical scroll bar with a scorll button and arrows. If you press the single down arrow the document scrolls down line by line. The double down arrow allows you to move to the top of the next page. The double up arrow allows you to move to the top of the previous page.

Q3. What is the use of Screen Tip?
Ans. When you move the mouse to any toolbar button, you will see a yellow pop-up telling you the meaning of the button. This pop-up box is called a screen tip.

Q4. How many areas are there in a Status bar? Explain
Ans. The status bar is divided into three sections:
a) The left portion of the bar show the page number, section number, and on which page you are out of the total pages e.g. (2/5 for page 2 of 5)
b) The middle portion of the status bar shows the vertical cursor position on the page in inches as well as in lines and horizontal position in columns.
c) The right side of the status bar contains short form for settings that you can turn on or off by double - clicking the mouse on them.
REC - Macro record on/off. Some steps are repeated often in Word. These steps are stored as a program called Macros.
TRK - Track changes on/off. Turns on or off the colored markings.
EXT - Extend selection on/off. When EXT is displayed, everything between the cursor and the point where you click will be selected. Double - Clicking on the EXT indicator again or pressing the Esc key turns the EXT feature off, so that the selected text can be moved, copied or deleted.
OVR - Overtype on/off.
WPH - Word Perfect Help
Spelling and Grammar - The open book with a red X on the right side is the Spelling and Grammar Status. It checks for misspelled words or grammatical errors. (wavy lines will appear below the misspelled words).

Q5. What is the use of Status Bar?
Ans. The status bar which is situated below the horizontal scroll bar displays the page number, the position of the cursor etc.

Q6. What is the use of End-of-Document Marker?
Ans. The end-of-document marker is visible at the end of the document in Normal View. The End-of-document marker shows you the end of a document. It stays below as you type and remains at the end of the document when you finish typing.

Q7. What is the difference and similarity between Normal Layout and Outline Layout?
Ans. In Normal Layout you have a Ruler Bar at the top of the screen while in Outline layout wherever you press Enter key, you get Bullets. You do not have any Ruler Bar at top. We see end of document marker at the end of document always.

Q8. What is the difference between Normal, Web, Print and Outline Layout?
Ans. Normal Layout – You have the ruler bar at top and end of document marker, which is always present at the end of document. You never come to know the end beginning of a page.
Web Layout – You make Web Pages in it. The Ruler Bar is present on top. You do not have an end of document marker.
Print Layout – You see the ruler bar on top and left hand side. You come to know the beginning and end of your page. You can easily adjust the page i.e. it’s like you are directly seeing the preview of your page.
Outline Layout – You see the bullets at those places where you press the Enter key. End of document marker is always present at the end of document. You cannot see any ruler bar on top or left hand side.

Chapter 3
Navigation through Word

Q1. Explain what is the use of Document Map?
Ans. Document Map helps you to move around documents easily. The Document Map splits the screen vertically so that the document is on the right and the headings on the left. You can move to a location by clicking on the heading instead of scrolling and searching.

Q2. What is the use of Document Navigator?
Ans. The Document Navigator is enabled by clicking on the small ball on the vertical scroll bar. The Document Navigator is used to move around the document quickly.

True or False
1. Graphics cursor moves to the next or previous graphics. – True.
2. Tables cursor moves to the next and previous headings. –False.

Fill in the blanks
1. The Document Navigator is enabled by clicking on the small ball on the vertical scroll bar.
2. Comments cursor moves to the next or previous comments.
3. Shift + F5 shows previous position of cursor where corrections were made.

Chapter 4
Designing your Document

Q1. Explain how to centre a text.
Ans. To Center Align a text click on center option on Formatting Toolbar or press Ctrl+E keys on the Keyboard.

Q2. Explain how to right align a text.
Ans. To Right Align a text click on right option on Formatting Toolbar or press Crtl+R keys on the Keyboard.

Q3. Explain how to left align a text.
Ans. To Left Align a text click on left option on Formatting Toolbar or press Ctrl+L keys on the Keyboard. By Default Left option is active when you start Microsoft Word.

Q4. Explain how to justify a text.
Ans. To adjust horizontal spacing so that text is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins. Justify text creates smooth edge ob both sides. The shortcut keys for Justify is Ctrl+J.

Q5. Write short note on Change Case.
Ans. You can capitalize letters by changing their case, by applying snall capital or all capital formatting, or by creating a large letter at the beginning of a paragraph. Select Format - Change Case option or press Shift + F3 option on the keyboard.

True or False
1. Select a line by pressing the End key. – False.
2. To keep the two words together you press CRTL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR keys. – True.
3. Tab is set at half an inch. –True.
4. Clipboard only keeps the last text you cut or copied. – True.

Fill in the blanks
1. Select the whole document by pressing CTRL+A.
2. To select an entire document triple click to the left of the text.
3. To select a word, double click on the word.

Chapter 5
Editing your Document

Q1. Explain AutoText.
Ans. AutoText option allows you to type the words or dates. It saves your time. Just type the first four alphabets to get the screen tip and then press Enter.

Q2. Explain AutoCorrect.
Ans. AutoCorrect corrects the wrong word automatically. For e.g. if we type teh, it changes to ‘the’ automatically.

Q3. What is the use of Grammar option?
Ans. The Grammar checking option is used to check whether the words are properly used.

Fill in the blanks
1 If you do not want Word to automatically correct errors you turn the AutoCorrect feature off.
2 The GOTO option helps you to go to a particular page or a section.
3 The Spelling and Grammar option checks the document for any spelling and grammar errors.
4 Word has inbuilt Thesaurus that provides many synonyms for the commonly used word.

True or False
1. You can use the Redo option to immediately reverse what you have done. – False.
2. The Undo option remembers the last 90 actions you have performed on the document. –False.
3. You can store any amount of text as AutoText. –True.
4. Ctrl + Backspace is used to erase the words on the left. – True.

Chapter 6
Customizing your Document

Fill in the blanks
1. Keyboard shortcuts are available for changing the character formats.
2. The Preview box shows the effect of your selection.
3. Tabs are used for creating columns.
4. The Tables and Borders Toolbar is an easier way of selecting formatting options.
5. There are more than 160 different art styles.
6. The Font dialog box contains the character formatting options.
7. Columns option allows you to type the text in a Newspaper style.

Q1. How to rotate text in a table?
Ans. You can rotate the text on three sides of the cell, top (normal), right side rotated and left side rotated. To rotate a text select the Change Text Direction on the Tables and Borders toolbar.

Q2. Explain Bullets and numbering
Ans. Bullets are shapes and numbers are numbers. If you want to change the shape of the bullets or numbers, select Format – Bullets and numbering and select any shape or number form.

Q3. Write short note on Font option.
Ans. The Font dialog box contains the character formatting options. Select Format – Font or click the right button of the mouse on the text and select Font from the shortcut menu. You can also press Ctrl + D to get to the font dialog box. In this font dialog box, you will get three options. Font, Character Spacing and Animation.On the font option, there are different formatting options – font, font style and size. You’ll also find different types of underline and a Color Box that allows you to color text. In the Effects box, you can choose text styles : Strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Small Caps, All Caps and Hidden.

Q4. What is the use of text animation?
Ans. You may want to draw the attention of the reader to a particular text. E.g. a birthdate or an appointment.

True or False
1. In the font dialog, you will get two option. – False.
2. When you begin typing the documents in Word, the line spacing is double spacing. – False.
3. Select CTRL+U to select underline. – True.
4. There are two different ways of indenting paragraphs. – False.
5. To clear the tabs from the ruler click on the tab on the ruler and drag it off the ruler.-True.
6. Center tabs centers the text on either of the tab stop. – True.
7. You cannot set tabs directly on the ruler. –False.
8. you can not apply borders and shading to paragraphs and tables in your document. – False.
9. Column option allows you to create up to 40 columns of different width. -False.
10. The font dialog box contains the character formatting options. – True.There are four types of tabs. – True.

Chapter 7
Use of Graphics in your Document

Fill in the blanks
1. The use of frames makes it easier to work with graphics.
2. You can create your own drawings in word.
3. To delete an object by clicking on it.
4. When you paste any picture/ objects into a document it is taken as a character.
5. Graphics are stores in files like your text.
6. Frames allow you to place the objects accurately anywhere in the document.
7. Word allows you to draw place and move graphics.

True or False
1. You can resize or reposition the picture. – True.
2. The reset button returns the graphic to the original size. – True.
3. To write text in Drawings you have to write in text boxes. – True.
4. You cannot have the effects of bold, font etc. for the text typed in the box. – False
5. Frames can contain text as well as graphics. – True.
6. You cannot make the text flow around the frames. – False
7. You cannot specify the new size and position settings for the frame. – False.
8. You can insert a frame and then place an object in it. – True.

Q1. What is the use of frames?
Ans. You use frames to have greater control over pictures/ objects.

Q2. How to work with frames?
Ans. To work with frames, you first create a text box. Click on Format – Text Box and convert the text box to frame. You can work with a picture/ objects like you would work with a character.

Q3. How to insert text in Framed Graphics?
Ans. If you want to add text to a framed graphic, press the enter key. You will get a new paragraph mark in the frame.

Q4. How to change size of the Graphic?
Ans. Select the graphics and it will be surrounded by eight handles, one in each corner and one in each box. The mouse pointer will change into a double headed arrow and then change the size accordingly.

Q5. How to put objects in different positions?
Ans. You may want to place the objects on top of each other. You can select objects and use the Bring to Front or Send to Back options on the Drawing toolbar.

Chapter 8
Mail Merge your Document

Fill in the blanks
1. The main document is the document into which the data is merged.
2. The main document should be on the screen.
3. The Query options of the Mail Merge Helper allows you to select particular records.

True or False
1. The merged document can be directly sent to the printer. - True.
2. After creating the data source file and main document there is connection between the two files. – False.
3. The Data Source file you have created contains any data. – False.

Q1. Explain the three types of documents required by Mail Merge.
Ans. Mail Merge requires three types of documents
a) The document or invitation, which is know as the main document.
b) The names and addresses called the data source.
c) The merge document which is the result of merging the main document with the data source.

Q2.What is the use of Mail Merge?
Ans. Very often you want to send the same documents or invitations to a group of friends. The files may be the same but names and addresses differ. To use these features, you use Mail Merge.

Q3. How to select particular Records for printing? Give an example.
Ans. The Query options of the Mail Merge Helper allows you to select particular records. E.g. if you want to send invitations to your friends from Delhi only, you put the name of the city into the query and merge those records only.

Q4. What does data source file stores?
Ans. The data source file stores addresses of your friends and relatives.

Q5. How to work with Mail Merge? (Practical only) Office 2000
Ans. To work with Mail Merge follow these steps.
a. Click on Tools – Mail Merge – Create – Form Letters and create a main document. Type the letter in the main document.
b. To create field name of information click on Tools – Mail Merge – Get data and select. Create Data Source. You will get a dialog box. Add and Remove the field names.
c. Click on OK button and save the data source file. To enter data click on Edit Data source. To enter new data click on Add button or press the Enter key. After finishing adding the Data Source click on OK.
d. After adding the data you will see a Mail Merge Toolbar from where you will select the field names and insert them in their places. After inserting the field names select <> option on the Mail Merge Toolbar.
e. To see the person only from Singapore follow these steps.
i) Click on Tools – Mail Merge
ii) Click on Query Button.
iii) Click on the first option i.e. field name and select Country.
iv) In the second option select equals.
v) In the third option select the country Equals to Singapore. You will see only those details with country Singapore.

Q5. How to work with Mail Merge? (Practical only) Office 2003
Ans. To work on Mail Merge to the following
a) Click on Tools Menu Bar – Letters and Mailing – Mail Merge.
b) When you click on Click on Mail Merge you get Mail Merge Bar on the Right hand Side.
c) We will have 6 steps to follow.
d) In 1st you will be asked this Question, “What type of document are you working on?” Select Letters in this.
e) Right at the bottom you will see next – Starting Document.
f) In 2nd step you will asked this Question, “How do you want to set your letters?” Select ,”Use the current document.
g) Right at the bottom you will see next – Select Recipients.
h) Click on Select Recipients. – Type a new list – Create.
i) When you click on Create you will get a form named New Address List.
j) Title, First Name, Last Name are Field Names. If you do not want any Field Name then click on Customize button on the right side of the dialog box. You will get another dialog box Customize Address List.
k) Delete the unwanted field name. For example if you do not want Work Phone, then select it and then click on Delete Button on the right hand side.
l) If you want to Add a Field Name then click on Add button on the right hand side. You will get a Add Field Nam dialog Name box. Type the field name of your choice and click on ok.
m) After making changes in the Field Name click on OK.
n) Start typing your friends or relatives details in the form.
o) After you finish entering the details of your friends or relatives, click on Close button on right hand side at the bottom. Give a name to the file and save it. You have now created a Data Source file. Data Source file has got all the details of your friends or relatives.
p) Click on Select a different list and select the name of the file.
q) Click on Next: Write your letter
r) In 4th Step click on More items.
s) Select the Field Name and Click on Insert Button at the bottomAfter Inserting one Field Name, click on Close Button and arrange the Field name.
t) Click on View Merged Data on the Mail Merge Toolbar on top. The sign is <>.
u) If you want to email a particular friend or Relative of yours then go on Step 5 and Select Find a recipient.
v) Type the name of your friend or relative and click on Find Next.
Chapter 9

Fill in the blanks
1. You will get the Stop Recording toolbar on the screen.
2. Once the Macro recorder is on every action you take will be recorded.
3. The second button on the Stop Recording toolbar is Pause recording.

True or False
1. The macro we created is helpful if we are using the different text often. – True.
2. The first button on the toolbar is Stop Recording. – True.
3. To create a macro you can record the steps with the recorder or write it directly in a code window. – True.

Q1. How to execute Macros?
Ans. To run a macro you have created. Select Tools - Macro - Macros. You will get a list of macros created on the left side of the Macros dialog box. Select your macro and click on Run Button.

Q2. How to edit Macros?
Ans. To edit a macro, Select Tools - Macro - Macros. Select the name of the macro and select edit. A Microsoft Visual Basic Screen appears. You change the selection and select File and Close. The macro we created is helpful if we are using the same text often. If we want different text, we can edit the macro.

Q3. Explain the use of Macros.
Ans. There may be times when you may be doing a particular task very often. For example, in your document you are typing certain text often with a particular font, making it bold etc. These steps are stored together and form a Macro.

Q4. What is the difference between Auto text and Macro?
Ans. AutoText option allows you to type the words or dates. It saves your time. Just type the first four alphabets to get the screen tip and then press Enter.
There may be times when you may be doing a particular task very often. For example, in your document you are typing certain text often with a particular font, making it bold etc. These steps are stored together and form a Macro.
Extra Questions and Answers
Q. What is Word Processor?

Ans Word processing involves the transformation of written text into a form that gives it a formal, systematic look that facilitates easy reading. The application program that enables the processing of words is called the 'word processing program' or simply 'word processor'.
A word processor therefore is a computer-based program that
Ø is used to type text
Ø corrects spelling and grammatical errors as you type
Ø allows you to preview the complete text before it can be printed
Ø gives you a variety of character styles and sizes to choose from
As far as processing of text is concerned, we often talk of text editors in the same context as word processors. A text editor like Notepad will also allow you to type and process text. A word processor, however, is a more sophisticated program with many more features. These features make the word processor a far more efficient tool to create formatted documents than any text editor does.

Q. What are the benefits and advantage of using a word processor?
Ans. The benefits and advantages of using a word processor can be summarized as follows:
Ø Increased productivity: Modern day computers are sophisticated machines that enable quick typ­ing and on-line editing and hence, faster completion of tasks.
Ø Decreased repetitive work: Storage of text in the form of files enables duplication without any rework.
Ø Neat, attractive and organized outputs: Word processing features that define the page layout, viz. page length and margins, give the documents a formal look.
Ø Improved quality of text: This is due to the presence of features that define the appearance of text, viz. size and style.
Ø Faster proof-reading: Tools that check spelling, grammar and meanings of words are available to speed up the process.
Popular word processing packages available in the market are:
Ø MS- Word
Ø WordStar
Ø Perfect Writer
Ø Word Perfect
Ø Professional Write
Ø MultiMate
Most of the popular word processors have versions catering to different languages.

Q. What are templates?
Ans. Templates are a special type of Word document that can hold text, styles, macros, keyboard shortcuts, custom toolbars and AutoText entries. A document created using a template will have access to all of these features and a large part of your job in creating a new document will be done for you if your templates are well thought out.

Q. Write short note on Headers and Footers
Ans. Page number appears on the top or the bottom margins of each printed page. Sometimes, however, simply numbering the pages is not enough. Let’s take the example of a text book or a novel. The matter written in there books is divided into sections and chapters.
You may also have some constant information to be printed repeatedly on each page. For example, in a text book besides page numbers, the name of the book or the title of the chapters may also appear on each page. This information is constant.
The extra information that you may want to print on every page can be:
Ø The same information like the name of the book being printed repeatedly; or
Ø Varying information like section, chapter and page number
Ø A combination of both
The information that is printed on the top margin is called ‘header’ and one that appears on the bottom margin is called ‘footer’
The advantage of using headers and footers is that you have to create them only once and they automatically appear on each page. This is what is needed when the same information is to be repeated on every page.

Q. Explain Full Screen
Ans. If required, you can switch the view to the one, which shows only the document. None of the toolbars menu bars and status bar are visible in this mode. Since the full screen is occupied by the document, more portions of the text can be seen and edited

Q. Write short note on Hyperlink
Ans. A hyperlink includes the path information to another object. The object can be a target on the same document, a file on the same computer, or a uniform resource locator giving the location of a web page halfway around the world. The process is exactly the same in all cases. Some point on the document is turned into an active spot which includes the path information.
For this activity you will download two documents and either save them to your desktop or to a floppy. Do not just open the documents, save them first. Saving is required in order to establish a hyper link. An unsaved document exists as a temporary file. You want to be able to embed the path information into a hyperlink.

Q. Write short note on Page numbers
Ans. Page numbers give you an idea of the total number of pages that the document has. Moving or navigating form one page to another also becomes easier. Word processors are equipped with a feature that will quickly take you to specified page number. For, example, there a GOTO command in MS-Word, which quickly takes you to the specified page
Page numbers are essential not only for the soft copy of the document. But also for the printed copy.

Besides the usual 1,2,3….. format, there are other ways of numbering the pages. For example, you can use the Roman numerals (i ii, iii….) You can also label the pages with alphabets (i.e. a, b, c… or A, B, C…).

Q. Explain Show/Hide option
Ans. Word’s Show/Hide option displays special symbols in the document indicating where you have pressed the Spacebar, Enter, Tab, Indent, and other formatting keys. These characters will not print, but are useful to see when editing documents. To display these symbols, click on the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar.

Q. Explain Comment
Ans. The comment feature in Word is a valuable means of rapidly inserting "working notes" into a document. You can create comments to provide notes to yourself, but comments are often utilized when two or more people are using a document and want to provide information about it - particularly queries - to each other without altering the actual document contents.
Fill in the Blanks
The basic use of a word processor is to produce formatted text.

A word processor is mainly used to type text. Just like all data in a computer is stored in files.

As far as word processing is concerned, the word documents synonymous with file.

Two of the most commonly tool bars are the formatting tool bar and the standard tool bar.

The Ruler Bar allows you to format the vertical alignment of text in a document.

The printouts are called hard copies.

The soft copies that are kept on the secondary storage devices.

The Preview option is useful especially in the case of long documents.

A PAGE BREAK is a point in the document that marks the change of page when printouts are being taken.

While duplicating a paragraph, we do not cut the text from the original place but make. a copy of the same in the Clipboard.

What we mean by cutting is the block of text is deleted from the document and copied on to a memory buffer called Clipboard.

The Clipboard is a temporary store where the contents are held till they can be transferred to some other place in the document.

Word processors have an in-built feature that wraps up, i.e. pushes the words that go beyond the rightmost boundary of the page to the new line.

Word’s Show/Hide option displays special symbols in the document indicating where you have pressed the Spacebar, Enter, Tab, Indent, and other formatting keys.

The mechanics of Word comments are the same as those of footnotes and endnotes.
The text types using a word processor is kept in files which are called documents.

Chapter 1
Introduction to PowerPoint

Fill in the blank
1. Title Side layout is used usually for a title or a major section of a presentation.
2. Bulleted List is used to make some points of a general subject.
3. 2 Column text is usually used for comparisons.
4. Table is used for organizing and classifying things.
5. Title Only is used for the beginning of a presentation.
6. The term Slides refers to an individual page of the presentation.
7. There are 24 different slide layout from which you can select.
(Kindly note in Powerpoint 2003 you have 27 slides while Powerpoint 2000 or 97 you have 24 slides.)
8. AutoContent Wizard option helps at every step along the way in creating a new presentation.

Q1. What is the use of PowerPoint Slide?
Ans. With PowerPoint, you can make a complete slide show presentation and that too within a few hours. PowerPoint helps you to put your ideas into an excellent presentation.

Q2. Write Short note on Slides.
Ans. If you have attented any class where an overhead projector is used, you must be familiar with slides. The term slides refers to individual pages of the presentation. You can use the pages or slides for onscreen presentation.

Q3. Write short note on Speaker notes.
Ans. Speaker notes helps the speaker in a presentation. You need not carry small paper chits to remind you some of points while making a presentation. Speaker Notes are used to create a set of notes for you to remind you of certain points you would want to make. The audience does not see the notes but are printed for the speaker's use.

Q4. What are the options when you start Powerpoint in 2000 or 97? Explain.
Ans. 1. Select Start - Programs - Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. AutoContent Wizard option helps at every step along the way in creating a new presentation.
Templates option allows to create a new presentation using any presentation templates.
Blank Presentation- You get a blank presentation.
Open an Existing Presentation
If you want to work with a blank Presentation, Click on the small circle next to the Blank Presentation and select Ok. You will get a new presentation without slides, notes or templates. You have to select the format for your first slide in the New Slide dialog box which appears on the screen.
Q5. What is the difference between saving and opening a file?
Ans. Save saves the file in the memory of the computer. Open allows us to open an existing file that is the files which are saved in the memory.

Chapter 2
Working with Text

Fill in the Blank
1. Double Click selects a word
2. Triple click selects a paragraph
3. AutoCorrect is used to recognize the word and automatically correct the word for you.
4. Textures are like pictures of surfaces, such as wood and stone.

Q1. How do you find text?
Ans. To Find a Text
1. Select Edit - Find from the menu bar.
2. Type the text you want to find in the Find What text box.
3. When you have finished searching for you text, select Close.

Q2. How do you find and replace a text?
Ans. To find and replace a text
1. Select Edit - Replace from the menu bar.
2. Type the text you want to find and type the text you want to replace it with.
3. Click on Replace or Replace All and click on Ok.
4. When you have finished text, Click on close.

Q3. How do you change the color of the text?
Ans. To change the color of the text
1. Select the text you want to color
2. Click on the Font color arrow on the Drawing toolbar.
3. Select the color.

Q4. What is the difference between copying & cutting the text?
Ans. Copy, the text will remain in its original place and a copy will be made in the place where you select whereas in cut the text will be removed from its original position & will be moved to the selected place.

Q5. Name different kinds of Alignment.
Ans. You can align the text any way you want it. You can left align, center the text, right align by clicking on the Align left, Center, Align-Right on the Formatting Toolbar.

Chapter 3
Animation, Art and Sound

Fill in the blanks
1. WordArt allows you to put your text in various shapes and designs.
2. Word is not plain text, it is taken as a Object.
3. There are some readymade images available in Clip Art.
4. Press Esc twice to leave the graph mode.
5. Slide Tansition can control slides to make objects appear and disappear in your slide show.
6. Slide Sorter view allows you to change the presentation order.
7. Notes Page allows you to see both your notes and the slide at the same time.

Q1. Explain the different types of views in Powerpoint.
Ans. The different types of views in Powerpoint presentation are
a. Slide: is default view when you start Powerpoint. In this view, only one slide is visible at a time.
b. Outline: view gives you a better way to view the slides. They are shown in the way they would appear in a presentation.
c. Slide Sorter: gives you a more detailed view than Outline view. The Outline view shows only the title of slides and text. Slide sorter view shows the slides as they would appear in a presentation. The number at the lower right of each slide indicates the order in which they will appear.
d. Notes Page: allows you to see both your notes and the slide at the same time.

Q2. Explain Animation
Ans. You can change the way the objects appear on the slide and the order in whcih they appear. To change the settings for an object Select Slide Show - Custom Animation.

Q3. Explain Action Settings
Ans. The Action Settings will specify how an object should react when you click on it or press the mouse over it during the slide show.

Q4. What are charts?
Ans. Charts are visually appealing & make it easy for users to see comparisions, patterns & trends in data.

Chapter 4
Making a PowerPoint Presentation

Fill in the blanks
1. The pointer is in the lower left hand corner of the screen in the Slide Show View.
2. The first three options on the Pointer menu are used for Slide navigation.
3. You can use the pen to write on the surface of the slide without making any changes to the slide itself.

Q1. How do you hide a slide?
Ans. If you have created a lot of slides and you want to delete some slides from the presentation. Select Slides Show - Hide Slide.

Q2. Write short note on Pointer
Ans. The pointer is in the lower left hand corner of the screen in the Slide Show View. The pointer gives you following facilities
a) A pen for writing in a variety of colors.
b) Access to the Speaker Notes etc
c) A slide navigator that allows you to access to hidden slides during presentation.
d) The option of blacking out the screen to take the audience's attention off the present slide and onto something else during presentation.

Q3.Write a short on Pen and Arrow
Ans. You can use the pen to write on the surface of the slide without making any changes to the slide itself. To use the pen, click on the pointer options and select Pen.
Use an Arrow as a pointing device during tht slide show or you can switch to a Pen.

Q4. Write short note on Black Screen.
Ans. If you want to black out the screen at any time during your presentation, select Screen - Blank Screen from the Pointer menu. You can use the Pen to write on the black screen. To return the slide to its normal view, Select Screen - Unblack Screen from the Pointer Menu.
Extra Question and Answer
Q. Define KILL
Ans. KILL: Keep It Large and Legible. This is the most important rule for good slides. The presen­tation slides should be readable by the audience even in the last row.

Q. Define KISS
Ans. KISS: Keep It Short and Simple. This is the way the contents of the presentation should be.

An effective presentation centers around the fact that at the end of the presentation, its objective should be accomplished.
An effective presenter should achieve the following:
Ø Present his thoughts
Ø Modify audience's opinions
Ø Promote action
In order to present your thoughts, modify the opinions, and promote favorable action, it is extremely vital for you to ensure that the presentations you make are effective.
An effective presentation starts with good planning.

Q. Name and Explain Physical Components of Presentation.
When a formal presentation is to be made, several components are required to ensure that the presen­tation is effective. Given below is a list of all such components:
Slides or transparencies: The matter that you want to convey will appear on the slides.
An Overhead Projector or OHP: The OHP will reflect your slides on a large screen in front of the audience.
Slide Markers: Slide markers are special marker pens available in different colors that allow you to highlight important points to the audience while you are making the presentation.
4. Speaker's Notes: The person making the presentation may have made notes while developing the presentation. These can be saved and carried along with the slides to make sure that the points are not forgotten or missed.
Handouts: A speaker may have some very important points to say. To ensure that .the audience remember everything he says is critical. This problem can be solved by giving an outline of the matter in the form of notes to the audience. The audience can take their copy home and go through it later.

Q. What are the advantages of Power Point?
Ans. Following are the advantages:
1. Your ideas get a smooth flow from one point to another.
You can add graphs, pictures and other designs to make it look attractive and more meaningful.
3. The display of slides or transparencies allows the audience to read the matter on their own, at their own pace in case they miss what is being said by you.
Most packages allow the printing of the slide matter on paper in an outline form. An outline form is what is seen when all the main points are seen at a time. This can be used as a handout for the audience. A handout is a gist of the points made during the presentation. These can be taken away by the audience, so that they can go through the matter at ease later.
PowerPoint allow an on-line display of the slides. This adds more vitality to your presentation.
6. A presentation graphics package allows your thoughts to be structured.
7. A show of the slides can be used at stalls, exhibiting different products. A presentation of the product features becomes simplified and more effective.
8. The package allows the presentation and its other components to be stored in the form of a file on the computer. This can be used further whenever required.
Changes can be made to an existing presentation very easily and quickly.

Presentation graphics is application software available to design charts. The package allows the user to
Ø design charts
Ø arrange the matter in a readable format
Ø add pictures in the charts to make them more meaningful and attractive
Ø change the appearance of the alphabets on the charts, and
Ø print these charts
The charts thus created, can be printed on transparent sheets of plastic called transparencies. These transparencies can be seen by a large group of people if used with an overhead projector or an OHP.
Another very important feature of this software is that, the computer can be attached to a device called a display adapter or a data show, which in turn is attached to an OHP. This allows the charts or transparencies to be displayed to a large group of audience without printing them, straight from the computer. Such presentations are called on-line presentations.
It is more prevalent now to make presentations without transparencies, i.e., directly project through the computer. However, we have laid more stress on printed slides.
Examples of such software are Harvard Graphics, MS-PowerPoint and IBM-Storyboard. These pack­ages allow charts to be created for display to a large audience.­

Ans. The presentations that we need to make in our daily lives are very different from those that we make at work.
For example, let us assume that you have to make a presentation on yourself at recruitment fair. If done on the lines of formal presentations, you would have to structure your thoughts first, as described below:
Ø To begin with, give your full name, address and your telephone number
Ø Make a list of your academic scores, in the ascending order
Ø Make a list of your favorite subjects and display your scores against them
Ø Talk about your hobbies
Ø In the end talk about the career that interests you the most.
You would be required to make this presentation in front of the representatives of the organization. You would have to make different charts and display them one after the other to your audience. While the charts are being shown you would also have to speak about the matter written on each chart.
This gives a rough idea on how a formal presentation should be made.

It has just been emphasized that a presentation is a form of communication, where you get a chance to project your thoughts and ideas to a group of people.
A presentation allows you to structure your thoughts in a clear way. When you stand in front of a group of people, your thoughts should come across in a way such that there is no confusion in the minds of the audience. Each step of your idea should be clearly laid out, explained in an easy to understand manner so that you can smoothly progress to the next idea.
Arranging your thoughts before you project them to someone with the intention of convincing that person is important. When this is done, your ideas are accepted more easily. This is why presentations are so necessary.

A presentation is simply the way an idea or a thought is communicated to another person. We are being 'presented to' right from our childhood with different thoughts, ideas and subjects in our school college and at home.
We, in turn, end up 'presenting' or communicating our thoughts and ideas to several people all through our lives without actually realizing that we are in effect making a presentation.
Q. Define WIIFM
Ans. WIIFM? "What's In It For Me? This is a question every audience is concerned with. Why should someone spend an hour or two listening and learning from you? There has to be a very clear advantage to the audience, and this has to be explicitly told to them.

Q. How to make the slide attractive?
Ans. To make the slide attractive following options are available:
Ø The background color can be made different.
Ø The background can be made to have a pattern.
Ø The slide can have attractive title headings.
Ø Some packages have the option of providing attractive borders to the slides.
The text on the slide can be made to look attractive as follows:
Ø Several fonts are available which can make the writing on the slide attractive.
Ø The color of the text can also be altered to suit the background of the slide.
Ø Special effects like bold facing, underlining and italicizing of text is possible.
Ø The packages provide the facility of having bullets before various points.
Ø These bullets can be modified to attractive shapes.
Ø Automatic numbering of the text is also a very useful feature.
Ø Automatic spaces between lines is possible.
Ø Alphabets can be made small or big, as required.
Apart from all this the actual layout of the slide can be altered to different patterns provided by the package.
Another very import aspect of formatting the slides is that they can have
Ø slide numbers (the way a document has page numbers)
Ø date and time of creation.

Q. How to display a presentation?
Ans. The presentation graphics package allows the display of the presentation in several other forms so that:
Ø all the slides can be seen at one time
Ø the contents of the slides, i.e. the text can be seen in an outline form
Ø the slides can be seen with different colour combinations
Ø they can be seen in their miniature form, and
Ø the slides can be viewed with magnification.
The advantages of having the above options are:
1. Seeing all the slides at a time will ensure the user smooth flow of the topics and that nothing important has been missed out.
2. Getting an outline view allows the user to pay attention only to the text and ascertain the correct­ ness of the matter. His attention is not diverted by the format of the slides.
3. Sometimes the user may not be sure whether the computer he is made to use in the place of presentation will offer the facility of colours. In such case he can look at his slides in a black and white colour option, and decide whether the layout of the slides would still look nice if used in black and white.
4. Changing the magnification of the slide, i.e. increasing or decreasing the size of the display once again allows him to decide how good the layout would look incase he has to alter anything at the last moment.
Fill in the blank
PowerPoint is a high-powered software tool used for presenting information in a dynamic slide show format.

Text, charts, graphs, sound effects and video are just some of the elements PowerPoint can incorporate into your presentations with ease.

The AutoContent Wizard offers suggestions for templates to use and types of content to put in.

A template, also called a presentation design, lets you create a presentation without worrying about design elements.

The Slide Show is controlled either automatically or manually.

A slide show enables the user to actually see how the slides will look after they are converted to transparencies.

A transition is a special effect used to introduce a slide during a slide show.

PowerPoint lets you print the whole presentation or just selected slides.
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nice work nisha for your students
wat maam so much notes how will v study.give some importants......
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